Site last updated on May 4, 2018 0:20 AM

Latest:  Regs now out for the 2018 Forest Trophy Trial - See below. Main updates via the facebook pages - Llanfyllin Trials, and Mid Wales Trials

The club has moved almost entirely to using
Facebook for various reasons.
Please search for Llanfyllin Trials and Mid Wales Trials.
If you don't normally use facebook, then maybe create
an account that you just use for keeping up with the
trials info. Facebook makes updates so much easier
for all club members, including calendars, photo storage,
for sale pages. No hassle, less expense.

Jean Williams Memorial Trial - (Forest Trophy)
27th May 2018
Regs Out Now
Get your entires in early - entry limit 220

The Home of Trials
You can't do without it


Greyhound Plant
Club Championship (ex) Sponsors doh!